Saturday 4 June 2016

Hrudaya kamalam kolam demo

Hrudayakamalam is a Rangoli drawn in front of pooja rooms on auspicious occassions. This is prevalant in Tamilnadu.

Flowers are arranged around this lotus form and while lighting the holy lamp Mata Mahalakshmi in invoked and assumed to occupy the centre of the Lotus.

5dots are placed equidistant in a circular shape,,, 5dots below, 5 dots horizontally on the right and another on the left. similarly at each diagnal 5 dots are put

Then they are joined by a single line so as to appear as petals of a lotus flower.

A step by step demo of this kolam is posted here with few tips,,,

1-3-5-2-4-1 ,,, a simple number count to remember ,, it would be easier in your initial stages,,,